Featured Development / Security / Hacking Why your company will be hacked This is a short list of common reasons why your company is going to be hacked. Learn from the past to improve the future!
Featured Security / Hacking / Development Buffer overflow attacks explained How does a typical buffer overflow exploit work in code, at run-time and in memory and what can be achieved by running it?
Hacking / Security / Development SANS Holiday Hack Challenge 2019 Write-up This article is my write-up for the 2019 SANS Holiday Hack Challenge. It contains the solutions for all terminals, puzzles and objectives
Development / Hacking / Tips & Tricks Hosting a CTF made easy using Docker and DigitalOcean Hosting a CTF can be a piece of cake by deploying a Docker container in a DigitalOcean Droplet. This article will run through this process. Fully automated script provided as well.
Network / Development / Security The OSI Model Understanding the OSI model and the aspects of its 7 layers is important for any IT professional who is involved with networking and connectivity
Network / Security / Hacking / Development TCP 3-way handshake and port scanning How does the TCP 3-way handshake work and how is it used to perform a port scan?
OO-design / Design patterns / Development SOLID Design Principles This article helps you understand the five SOLID principles, one of the most important sets of design principles in object-oriented software development.
Ghost / Development / Tips & Tricks How to add 'reading time' to your articles It can be very useful for readers to know how much time they can expect to spend on an article before they engage. That's why I decided to add an estimated reading time to my blog. It will take approximately 3 minutes to read this article and find out how I implemented that.
Mathematics / Development / C# Understanding Big-O notation Big-O notation is used to describe the complexity of an algorithm relative to its input. This article helps to understand this notation by exploring the most common orders of magnitude and their algorithms.
Development / Design patterns / OO-design An introduction to software design patterns This article sets the basis for understanding design patterns and presents an introduction to the world of software design patterns by giving a brief description of all 23 Gang of Four patterns.
C# / Development / .NET Creating a module initializer in .NET This article will cover the process, techniques and code required to automatically resolve an embedded library in C# and inject a module initializer into the compiled assembly using IL weaving.
Ghost / Development Syntax coloring and line numbers in Ghost Pro This article will discuss the Prism.js library and actions I took to get syntax coloring, and line numbers to work for code snippets on my Ghost Pro blog.
Development / C# / Mathematics ASCII Mandelbrot animation Years ago I got an animated Mandelbrot fractal zoom working on a mainframe terminal. This article describes how to do that for a console application in C#.
Development / C# / .NET Accessing Google's API via .NET Recently I have been exploring Google's API to access their Drive functionality using the .NET 4.5 framework with C#. I'd like to share a few of my findings and maybe help a few people along the way.